Schema Evolution Toolsuite

From Schema Evolution
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This page reports a quick guide for installing and using the Schema Evolution Suite


The last version of the suite has been uploaded on the yellowstone svn and is ready for the download. Once downloaded, I suggest to import it inside the Eclipse Ide;

Up to now the functions provided by the suite are:

  • download of the schema revision from an svn site
  • installation of the schema inside mysql
  • filling the evolution database

The suite is focused on the xml file inside the config folder; The file contains all the parameters needed by the application; the parameters you need to set before running the application are:

  • svnurl: the url of the svn site from which you'll download the schema
  • svnuser/svnpwd: user and password of the svn
  • mysqlhost.
  • mysqlport.
  • dbbasename: the name the suite we'll use for installing a database ( if you want to test the suite without having trouble, use a name you don't have inside mysql)
    • the suite in any case test if there is already a db installed with the same name
  • dbevolution: the name of the db where you want to keep the result of the operations and that will be filled with the information_schema data
  • parameters for the functions of the application: set it true if you want to run that function, otherwise set it false; if you want to run all the functions together, set global true
    • download/install/filling/global

Once the config file is ready, before running the application, you need to set the argument; the only argument you need is the path of the configuration file. In the argument subsection put -c ./config/config.xml to avoid any start error: the application can't start without the config file contains main functions.

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