

Database: $dbname

Here a description of the program and the functions provided, a brief explanation and escription of the different sections like in the prism layout

  • Table name: contains the name of the table
  • Column count evolution:report the evolution in terms of number of columns of the table; the columns are calculated as difference between the number of columns in the first and in the last revision
  • Columns data tyep changes: report the number of changes in the data type of each column; show the name of the column that changed type and the evolution of the type
  • Primary key changes: count the number of times the primary key of the table changed, in terms of columns added or deleted
  • Number roll back: number of roll back undergone by the table
Db first release $specs.firstRelease
Db latest release $specs.lastRelease
Db initial size $specs.initialSize
Db end size $specs.endSize
Db evolution rate
#set ($countDiv = 1) #foreach ($result in $results) #set ( $countDiv = $countDiv + 1) #end
Table Name Colomns evolution Colomns data type changes Number of roll back Primary key changes Foreign key changes Index changes Table evolution rate Table Name
$result.table $result.columnsEvolution #if($result.typeChange.size() != 0) Details...hide/show #end $result.rollbackCount $result.primaryKeyChanges $result.foreignKeyChanges $result.indexChanges